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Term dates 2023-24

Autumn term 2023

Start of term Half term End of term

Wednesday 6th September

Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th September = INSET Days

Monday 23rd October to Friday 27th October Thursday 21st December at 1.30pm


Spring term 2024

Start of term Half term End of term 

Tuesday 9th January 

Monday 8th January = INSET day

Monday 12th February

to Friday 16th February

Thursday 28th March at 1.30pm


Summer term 2023

Start of term Half term End of term 

Tuesday 16th April

Monday 15th April = INSET day

Monday 6th May = Bank holiday school closed

Monday 27th May to Friday 31st May

Monday 3rd June = INSET day

Wednesday 24th July at 1.30pm


Term dates 2023-24 downloadable document 

Term dates 2024-25

Autumn term 2024

Start of term Half term End of term

Wednesday 4th September

Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September = INSET days

Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November 2024 Thursday 19th December 2024 at 1.30pm


Spring term 2025

Start of term Half term End of term 

Tuesday 7th January

Monday 6th January = INSET day

Monday 17th February to Friday 21st February 2025

Thursday 3rd April at 1.30pm

Friday 4th April = INSET day


Summer term 2025

Start of term Half term End of term 

Tuesday 22nd April 2025

Bank holiday = Monday 5th  May 2025

Monday 26th May to Friday 30th May  2025

Monday 2nd June = INSET day

Wednesday 23rd July 2025 at 1.30pm

Term dates 2024-25 downloadable document 

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