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Welcome to Viking Primary School

We are a single form entry Primary school, situated just off the A40 in Northolt. We serve an extremely vibrant and diverse population with wonderful children. We are committed to achieving our motto ‘Be the best you can be’ in everything we do.

Take your time to look around our school website. You will find both information about our school and extra curricular activities, alongside copies of important documents and other information you or your child may need throughout the school year.

Click here to view the pictures in our gallery.

Click below to read about our amazing award winning mental health Place2be garden.

Place2be article / Ealing news article

If you are a prospective parent and would like a tour of the school with our head teacher – Miss Norris, please email office@viking.ealing.sch.uk to arrange a mutually convenient date and time.

Our Vision

Be the best you can be

Our Values

Respect, Hardworking, Kindness, Honesty, Responsibility & Resilience

Our Curriculum drivers

Ambitious, Articulate, Curious, Inspired and Knowledgeable  

Super work and participation - celebrating success

Stars of the week - WC Monday 2nd December

Article 29 - every child has the right to be the best they can be.

Be knowledgeable, be articulate, be ambitious, be curious, be inspired.

Be the best version of you.

Focused value this half term = HARDWORKING

Class Pupil Reason
Blue class - Reception  Avelyn: for loving her learning so much.
Blue class - Reception  Archie: for trying so hard with reading and writing.
Yellow class - Year 1 Simrit: for using her phonics so well when reading and writing.
Yellow class - Year 1 Mikaile: for fantastic naming and making of 3D and 2D shapes.
Red class - Year 2 Ahmad: for settling into our school and working really hard.
Red class - Year 2 Audrey: for answering lots of questions about statistics in maths.
Siliver class - Year 3 Whole class: for great behaviour and enthusiasm on our class trip.
Bronze class - Year 4 Dusan: for wonderful presentation of all work.
Bronze class - Year 4 Jamie: for great retention of our computing vocabulary.
Platinum class - Year 5 Nathaniel: for working hard in Geography comparing England to Brazil using pictures.
Platinum class - Year 5 Kamar: for working hard in English and writing a great introduction for his newspaper report.
Gold class - Year 6 Nadeen: for translating work independently and giving reasons for Queen Elizabeth 1st choices
Gold class - Year 6 Suhansh: for using tools independently and safely as well as problem solving during forest school.

Well done! You should be proud of yourself; we are all very proud of you. 

Be the best you can be!     

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