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In-Year Admission To Viking

Ealing Council is the Admissions Authority for our School. To apply for a Primary School place for your child you will need to complete an online application form www.eadmissions.org.uk or contact school admissions at the details below. 

Address: School Admissions, Perceval House 2NE2, 14 -16 Uxbridge Road, Ealing, London, W5 2HL

Phone: 020 8825 5511

Email: mainroundadmissions@ealing.gov.uk

Website: www.eadmissions.org.uk

More detailed information on the Authority's admission arrangements can be found from the Council's website and in the Ealing admissions policy

Reception Admissions - September 2024

You must apply directly to the council that you are living in at the time of application, regardless of the borough which the school is in. The deadline for applying for primary school is 15th January 2024. Applications received after this date are late and will not be considered until after national offer day. 

To apply now please click here. If you need any help completing this application, please speak to the school office. 

Nursery Admissions - ongoing throughout the year

Schools are responsible for Nursery admissions.

If there are any spare spaces in our Nursery, we may be able to offer your child a place once they have turned 3 years old.

To apply for a Nursery place at our school please speak to the school office or email office@viking.ealing.sch.uk for further information.

Tours of our school

We welcome visits to our school. Please contact the school office to arrange a visit.

If you would like more information about the school or support with the admissions process, please contact the school office on (020) 8845 3186 or office@viking.ealing.sch.uk

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